Two of the many Bluffview Montessori Students demonstrating virtuous behavior this week:

Maicyn Amos is a Kindergarten student of Ms. Megan’s CH2 classroom who was recognized this week for displaying the virtue of excellence when she followed all classroom PE rules and had excellent behavior.  Maicyn’s favorite work in the classroom is the frog book, and she loves Bluffview because she  has music class.  Maicyn’s favorite activity outside of school is going outside. Maicyn is the daughter of Kasey & Tegan Amos.

Adonis Bennett is a Kindergarten student of Ms. Megan’s CH2 classroom who was recognized this week for displaying the virtue of respect when he followed all instructions and demonstrated classroom rules in PE.  Adonis’s favorite work in the classroom is the 100 board, and he loves Bluffview because he doesn’t have homework.  Adonis’s favorite activity outside of school is playing outside. Adonis is the son of Kaitlyn Bennett.