Bluffview Proud

The Annual Giving Campaign is an opportunity for our community to sustain and build on the tradition of creating students who are independent, confident, and love to learn. Bluffview has also established The Bluffview Futures Fund.  The purpose of this endowment is to generate additional revenue for the school.  Bluffview’s biggest hurdle is that charter schools cannot levy property taxes, and are therefore forced to generate any supplemental revenue through fundraising.

Please make a gift to Bluffview below.

Annual Giving Campaign

Our greatest strength as a school community has always been the many parents, teachers, students, and alumni who want to help out. You can help Bluffview now by making a one-time contribution, or by pledging to make monthly contributions. Our annual giving campaign goal of $25,000 would greatly assist Bluffview’s Board of Directors in developing a balanced budget while keeping the school strong.

Endowment Fund

An endowment is forever. Investments made today to The Bluffview Futures Fund will continue to grow, providing a future, predictable source of income for the school to live out its mission and vision of bringing authentic Montessori education to children throughout the Winona area.

Contribute Online

Contribute By Mail

You can contribute by sending a check to Bluffview Montessori School at 1321 Gilmore Avenue, Winona, MN, 55987.

On behalf of the entire Bluffview community, thank you.